Yes, the Summer Camp season has already started! I just signed up my son for Museum of Science's courses Science on the Screen and Blast off with Rockets, see below. It's going fast. :) Members can call today (617) 723-2500, non-members can register 2/7. It's $300 half day/$600 full day. The course descriptions and registration (that didn't work for me online) is at:
Chinese Summer School survey - As you know, I'm planning to run the Chinese Summer School (see last year's photos) again with teachers from a Newton Chinese school. Are you interested? please fill out the survey and select the weeks that are likely to work for you and list # of kids.
Help Now! in the new app
If you're wondering how you'd be able to do the pick-up and drop-off for summer camps or even school, you're not alone. In fact, after being late to pick up my daughter from Ballet Class and fumbling with my phone last Saturday , I've decide to add a feature called Help Now! to the next version of the Yana App. The very raw paper mockup is here. Love any feedback you may have. :)
Any feedback, let me know!