What to Do with Kids over Thanksgiving in Boston

Happy Thanksgiving!

In case you're like me and staying in town, you're probably wondering what to do with your kids over the long weekend. Some ideas:

  1. Chain Reaction at the MIT Museum day after Thanksgiving:

  2. The Frog Pond is open for ice skating!

  3. Journey to the West (adapted from the beloved comic Chinese novel) at the Central Square theater.

  4. Jose Mateo's Nutcracker. Your kids or their friends might be in it. :) https://cutlermajestic.org/Online/default.asp

    And would be great if you could add a review for their ballet class: http://yana.com/class?id=88

  5. And of course, good ol' Jump On In to get kids' energy out :)

  6. And when you can use a break, My Gym has a 3-hour drop-off camp Sunday morning: https://www.facebook.com/events/324251691289944/

Enjoy the long weekend!
