What My Car Accident Taught Me

So my husband was traveling the past week for work and I was home alone with the kids. It was stressful! I had to get babysitters twice to cover. And on the second day I got rear-ended. :(

After the shock was over, resisting the urge to blame my husband for surprising me with the trip (or at least not putting it on the shared calendar), I realized I've just become a prime example of why we need a parenting village: can't do it all alone!

After my email last week on the top 3 parenting challenges I heard from you, Tien-Yi pointed out to me, if just about everyone could use some help and many are willing to help, why don't we just ask people what are they willing to help with, then maybe everyone will feel more comfortable asking.

Brilliant! Please fill this out and share what you're comfortable helping others with, or get help on. We'll all learn something together. :)


Till next week,

