Ski Lessons, & Harvard Science Lecture for Kids

Events this Weekend

  1. Harvard Holiday Lecture for Kids - Science for Kids 7+ on Sunday at 11am or 2pm: How can some bugs walk on water? What can we learn about a soap bubble? How can we make oil and water mix? You know it's a good event when two friends sent you independently. (Thanks Lily & Christina!)

  2. Ski Lessons - It's gonna snow Saturday: time to plan for ski lessons. The most popular by far is Blue Hills for beginning ski lessons. Besides us, I've already heard two other families about to take lessons there. I'd really like to try Wachusett too, you can leave kids for lessons/daycare for 6 hours! Check them out on Yana at

  3. Orienteering Game in Dana Park! The game teaches kids to read maps, navigate, and work as a team. Thanks to Katie for sharing this one.

  4. Model Train show - a bit further away in Lexington is a train show that your little ones will enjoy.

By the way, the Holiday Ice Show at Kendall Sq. last weekend was pretty awesome. (Nice to see you Changgang, Tiffany, Mark, Katie and more). It was impressive to see Olympic style jumps and spins so up close!