Homework Headache | Chocolate Fest | SOUPer Bowl

How do you feel about kids' homework?

At my kids' school, we don't have homework for K-2, probably because homework at early grades don't show much benefit.

I was determined not to be a tiger mom and be all over kids' homework. Growing up, I remember my mom used to get my brother to do homework every night. The result? He got A-Fs depending on whether he liked the teacher. So I thought my mom's effort wasn't very productive.

Since my older one had homework initially in kindergarten (that he didn't do most of the time), I ironically did feel a sense of withdrawal when that changed. How would I know what my kid's learning in school? Thankfully, both kids' teachers now send us weekly updates on what they're learning in school. I do read those, but honestly still feel a bit like school is a black box, a feeling many parents told me about as well. Maybe because a few lines read in haste from time to time don't give me a complete picture of what they're supposed to learn.

The other day, I actually googled what our kids are supposed to learn by grade level. Apparently my daughter in kindergarten is learning to count, and my older one in third grade is learning multiplication and division and fractions. Ohh... I'm a bit embarrassed to say I had considered myself a pretty involved parent. :(

I've also read that until third grade, kids learn to read, then afterwards they read to learn. So if your child hasn't learned how to read by third grade, tough! Hmm... I wonder if all the parents know about that. If a child can't read, it might also affect doing math homework and everything else.

So, my third grader now has weekly homework. In the fall I saw maybe 5 of of them, and possibly one got turned in. Starting the new year, we decided we'll get on top of homework. So far most of our battles has to do with getting the homework home and turning them in. Doing the homework is not a problem, even though my son tends to rush through it and often make mistakes in his haste. He gets 5 minutes of game time on the phone afterwards.

I heard from one friend they have the opposite problem as us, not with the logistics, but actually getting the kid to actually sit down and do his homework. And of course I've also heard of another parent, who already trained their kid to memorize the times table. I couldn't help wondering if I should do the same, when my son tried to figure out 4x7 by adding 7 plus 7 plus... :)

Meanwhile, my kindergartener is eager to copy her brother: "Not fair, how come I don't have any homework."

To keep peace, I bought her some activity books, then realized that repetitive ones she got bored quickly and skipped, the easy ones she raced through. Then I'm now on the hook for helping her learn what she couldn't figure out on her own. Perhaps not the best plan.

What do you think about homework? Way on top of it, still trying to find them, or don't think they are worth the time?

By the way, this Friday I'm going to the Emperor's New Clothes musical at PAUS (I heard they have a great theater program), and Saturday the Chocolate Fest, and restart my run Sunday morning run at Dana Park. Let me know if you wanna meet up at any of those. :)

Weekend Events

The Emperor's New Clothes Musical

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Thursday, 7:00pm - Fri., Putnam Avenue Upper School 100 Putnam Ave Cambridge MA

Chocolate Festival

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Friday, 10am - Sun., Harvard Square

Trial By Jury

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Friday, 8:00pm - Sun., MIT

Super Hunger Brunch

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Saturday, 9am - Sun., Boston

Penguin Love

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Saturday, 10am - Sun., Artbeat Creativity Store & Studio, Arlington


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Saturday, 10am, ICA Boston

Taza Chocolate Story Time: No Monkeys, No Chocolate

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Saturday, 10:30am, Taza Chocolate Factory, Somerville

2nd Annual SOUPer Bowl

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Saturday, 11am - Sun., Wilson Farm, Lexington

FitLAB Pilates Open House

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Sunday, 10am, FitLAB Pilates, Cambridge

Family Concert with MLK's Parents & Teacher!

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MIT Superheroes Ball

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Saturday 2/03, 2pm, Morss Hall Walker Memorial, Memorial Drive, Cambridge