Summer Camp & App Updates


My husband is going on another work trip so I frantically searched for a babysitter for an important evening meeting. It was great to actually get help from other parents through our app. (Thanks Donielle & Jeff!) I see that others are also helping out on Chinese tutors. :)

If you had problem checking off a summer camp in the app, you're not alone. I've just submitted another update that fixed the problem. (Thanks Changgang). So please update the app you have and you can then check off what you like and see who else' thinking of going to the same camp.

A few of you have asked me about progress on the Chinese summer camp. We're getting closer on location, and have about 40 parents who expressed interest, so a good size! We'll definitely do the last 2 weeks of summer. If there's anyone else you know interested, please tell them to fill out the doodle above, and we'll email everyone there once we have the registration link ready.

This week we got a mention in the MLK school newsletter. (Thanks Marguerite!) Almost 100 parents from MLK are on the app now, including 4 out of the 5 Kindergarten classes. (Thanks Ellie, Kristin & Tasha.) And we're looking to grow it more. And Martha our Community School head's on the app and even answered a parent question. (Thanks Martha!)

So if you have a friend not yet on the app who could benefit from tips on planning summer camps, talking with other parents, or fun events for the weekend, tell them about the Yana app! Or if you know a room parent or a family liaison at another school who would be good for getting the word out, let me know also.